A Workers Comp Case in . A Workers Compensation case in Brooklyn. Accident Recovery in the .

What Is Workers Compensation (Workers Comp)?

Federal and state workers' compensation (sometimes called workers comp, workman's comp or workmen's compensation) laws were created to ensure that employees who are injured on the job are provided with fixed monetary awards.

Workers' compensation is insurance that the employer is required by law to carry in case an employee is injured on-the-job, becomes ill due to circumstances surrounding their job, becomes temporarily or permanently disabled, or even if death results from their job. All employers who have 4 or more part-time or full-time employees must provide workers' compensation insurance. It is the law in all 50 states.

Should I Hire a Lawyer For Workers Comp Issues?

Never assume that an employer or their insurance company cares about your injury or if you receive fair compensation for it. The playing field is NOT level. Employers and their insurance company have many attorneys who know the workers' compensation system available to them and will work against you. Level the playing field by securing the qualified legal counsel of an experienced workers' compensation lawyer today, who will fight for your legal rights and help you get the medical care and compensation you deserve. We will help you find an attorney who will fight for your on the same playing field.

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